May 30, 2023

Quantinno Privacy Policy

California residents: please refer to our California Consumer Privacy Policy (CCPA) for additional information about your rights under the California Consumer Privacy Act.

Vermont residents: We will not share information we collect about you with nonaffiliated third parties, except as permitted by law, including, for example, with your consent or to service your account.

For more detailed information about our privacy practices, please read our Privacy Notice.

Financial companies choose how they share your personal information. Federal law gives our clients the right to limit some but not all sharing. Federal law also requires us to tell you how we collect, share, and protect your personal information. Please read this notice carefully to understand what we do.

We do not disclose nonpublic personal information about our clients or former clients to third parties other than as described below.

Personal information we collect. We collect personal information about you in connection with our providing advisory services to you. This information includes your social security number (as applicable) and may include other information such as your:• Assets;• Investment experience;• Transaction history;• Income; and• Wire transfer instructions.

How we collect this information. We collect this information from you through various means. For example when you give us your contact information, enter into an investment advisory contract with us, buy securities (i.e., interests in a fund) from us, tell us where to send money, or make a wire transfer. We also may collect your personal information from other sources, such as our affiliates or other non-affiliated companies.

How we use this information. All financial companies need to share customers’ personal information to run their everyday business and we use the personal information we collect from you for our everyday business purposes. These purposes may include for example:• To provide advisory services to you;• To open an account for you;• To process a transaction for your account;• To market products and services to you; and• To respond to court orders and legal investigations.

Disclosure to others. We may provide your personal information to our affiliates and to firms that assist us in servicing your account and have a need for such information, such as a broker or fund administrator. We may also disclose such information to service providers and financial institutions with whom we have joint marketingarrangements (i.e., a formal agreement between nonaffiliated financial companies that together market financial products or services to you, such as placement agents). We require third-party service providers and financial institutions with which we have joint marketing arrangements to protect the confidentiality of your information andto use the information only for the purposes for which we disclose the information to them. These sharing practices are consistent with Federal privacy and related laws, and in general, you may not limit our use of your personal information for these purposes under such laws. We note that the Federal privacy laws only give you the right tolimit the certain types of information sharing that we do not engage in (e.g., sharing with our affiliates certain information relating to your transaction history or creditworthiness for their use in marketing to you, or sharing any personal information with nonaffiliates for them to market to you).

How we protect your personal information. To protect your personal information from unauthorized access and use, we use security measures that comply with Federal law. These measures include computer safeguards and secured files and buildings.

Who is providing this Privacy Notice. This Privacy Notice relates to the following entities:• Quantinno Capital Management LP• Quantinno Capital Fund GP LLC• Quantinno Capital GP III LLC• Quantinno Tax Edge Market Neutral I LP• Quantinno Fundamental Arbitrage Fund LP• Quantinno D-E-A-L-S single managed accounts.

Google Analytics. Quantinno uses Google Analytics as its web and traffic analytics tool, including for such purposes as determining how often users visit its website and which webpages are most frequently viewed. In its use of Google Analytics, Quantinno will comply with all applicable laws, policies and regulations relating to the collectionof information from users of its website.

What kind of information is collected?When a user visits a website running Google Analytics, the user’s web browser automatically sends certain information to Google. This includes the user’s IP address and the URL of pages visited. Additionally, Google may set cookies on the user’s browser or access or read cookies already existing. Further, the use of Google Analyticsmay allow Quantinno to view, on an anonymous basis, a user’s city location and how often they are accessing Quantinno’s website.

How do Google and Quantinno use my information?Google may use information shared by sites, including Quantinno’s, for various purposes including but not limited to personalizing ads and content on Google and partners’ websites, and evaluating the effectiveness of such advertising. Quantinno may review such data in assessing the geographical reach of its website and popularity of its content.

Am I required to provide personal data?Users are not required to submit personal information to Google or Quantinno through this website or as a precursor to using this website. Certain webpages may ask for your consent before allowing Google Analytics to process your information. This may occur, for example, through a banner asking for consent for Google to process the information that page collects. Should a user choose to disallow or modify data collection privileges, we will respect such user’s choice of permissions.

Can I withdraw my consent to collect personal information?If you would like to remove Google Analytics from your browser, you can install the Google Analytics Opt-Out Browser Add-On. For more information, including the legal grounds Google relies upon to process user data, please consult Google’sPrivacy & Terms at

Who to contact with questions.If you have any questions about this Privacy Notice, please contact